Here we will feature information on happenings in Columbia, Tennessee. Check back often to learn more about events coming up in our community.

Tennessee Women Connect – Spring Hill Chapter “Happy Hour”

Gallery 48 sponsored Tennessee Women Connect – Spring Hill Chapter “Happy Hour” on June 17th, 2024. The event was a wonderful opportunity to meet inspiring women, share insights, and make new meaningful business connections.

Artist Meetup

Gallery 48 hosted an Artist Meetup event organized by Columbia Arts Council on April 22nd. Many local artists attended the event during which they connected with other local artists in the community and they learned what projects and events Columbia Arts Council has been involved with. This was the first Artist Meetup event which will continue on a regular monthly basis at different businesses located in Maury County.

Mule Day

Mule Day is Columbia’s signature annual event that takes place the first week in April. It began in 1840s as “Breeder’s Day”, a one day livestock show and mule market event held on the first Monday in April. Over time Mule Day evolved from being a single day event to a week-long festival that attracts thousands of attendees. The festival starts with welcoming Mule Day Wagon Train into town, and then it continues with various events and competitions (e.g. old fashioned log pulling competition, cart barrel races, mule pulling contest, riding mule show, Miss Mule Day Pageant, a craft fair, live music). Mule Day Parade on Saturday is the highlight of the event. Mule Day is a wonderful celebration of the mule, it is something different, it’s something that you won’t see anywhere else in the United States or the world!

If you need more information about a specific event, please contact us.